
Kamala Harris: We ordered additional vaccine for monkeypox

US Vice President Kamala Harris, who made a statement today after seeing monkeypox in two children as of yesterday, announced that they ordered additional monkeypox vaccine and increased the testing capacity. More than 6.9 million doses of the vaccine will be delivered by mid-2023, US health officials said.

After Detecting Monkeypox In Two Children Yesterday, US Vice President Harris shared a message, “HHS has ordered additional monkeypox vaccines for individuals at high risk and increased their testing capacity. “We will continue to work with local health departments to ensure the health and safety of the American people.”


More than 2,500 cases have been identified in the US since the first monkeypox case on May 18. In a statement made to the press yesterday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an official announced that monkeypox was detected in a baby living in the state of California and a toddler who visited the capital Washington and did not reside in the USA. The CDC stated that the condition of the two children is good and that 8 of the previous cases were women.


Due to the fact that the majority of monkeypox cases worldwide occur in men who are gay and have sex with men, the World Health Organization (WHO) officials, who made a statement earlier, referred to the previous events in AIDS and drew attention to the impending danger. In its statement, WHO emphasized that ascribing the disease to a community would allow the spread of the monkeypox virus, and that it would accelerate the transmission of the disease to people who think that they are not in the risk group. Both WHO and CDC have made a statement that monkeypox in children under 8 years old can be dangerous and can result in death.  


It was stated that the virus was transmitted by close skin contact with a person who has monkeypox or a person who has the virus. In the case of children, the CDC emphasized that transmission can occur through ‘holding, hugging, feeding, as well as the use of common items such as towels, bedding, glasses, utensils’. Authorities underlined that investigations are being conducted into how it infected two young children.  



The CDC announced on July 21 that it is treating pediatric monkeypox patients with TPOXX (tecovirimat). According to the CDC statement, the drug contains 200 mg of tecovirimate in capsule form. Tecovirimat, sold under the brand name Tpoxx, is an antiviral drug against orthopox viruses such as smallpox and monkeypox, and is known as the first antipoxviral drug approved in the United States.


HHS has distributed the JYNNEOS vaccine, which has been used against nearly 200,000 smallpox and monkeypox, in recent weeks. Authorities also announced that 800,000 more vaccines will be distributed in the summer, and that they have ordered 6.9 million doses of vaccine to be delivered by mid-2023. HHS said on Thursday that they have increased their testing capacity from 6,000 tests per week at the start of the outbreak to 80,000 tests per week as of July 21.


The USA obtained the JYNNEOS vaccine for monkeypox from Bavarian Nordic. “The Bavarian Nordic JYNNEOS smallpox (monkeypox) vaccine is based on Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA), a live, attenuated vaccine virus that cannot replicate in the human body but can elicit a strong immune response,” the company said in the statement on its website. . The firm has headquarters in   Denmark, Germany , Switzerland And The USA.


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